Ember Marketing, Featuring Acelle Mail

Ember Syndicate is proud to offer advanced email marketing management via our use of Acelle Mail, an industry leader for email marketing and campaign management. Ember Syndicate members benefit from the same level of use and service that is provided by industry leaders in email marketing, with non of that Industry leader price. Managed members get access to the system for free.

Everything you need in one web platform

Accessible from anywhere!

Mailing list management

Single/double opt-in, list segmenting, mass importing/exporting, subscription form builder, blacklisting, etc.

Email verification

Ensure that your email list is clean and duly validated. Helps reduce bounce back and protect your sending reputation

Email builder

Acelle Mail comes with an advanced Email Template Builder as well as dozens of pre-built email templates/layouts for you to start on


Automation features allow you to automatically or conditionally send email campaigns to your list or individuals in response to several types of events: list subscription, open/click, recurring events, etc.

Live upgrade support

Acelle Mail comes with the Upgrade Manager dashboard which allows you to easily do a LIVE upgrade to any future version

Open/click tracking

Opens / clicks / bounces / complaints are automatically recorded. As a result, you can track the delivery status of every single email sent out

Emailing without the baggage

Make everyday marketing fun

That's why we originally created Acelle Mail. You can now do emailing with peace in mind. No longer worries about your email provider's quota or cost per email as everything is now in you local system


An alternative to expensive services like MailChimp, SendGrid


Unlimited access to reports and insights, improve your business


Your own application with no limitation, no longer cost per email

Protect your contacts' data

GDPR Compliance

We seriously care about privacy and user rights. Leading up to the implementation of the additional features for Acelle Mail that give users more control of the data that is stored on the platform, so your marketing can comply with GDPR regulations.

Learn more about GDPR and how it affects email marketing

Logging In


Please use the login email and password provided to you by your account manager. 

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