Core Features

 Redirection Options

Ember Link offers an advanced array of options to filter & optimize your traffic with the same short link.

Geo Targeting (States & Country)

You can define a different url for different countries and states. For example, if you want to target people in New York, USA, you can define a different link for this group and all others will be redirected to the main url.

Device Targeting

Similar to the Geo Targeting, the device targeting allows you to target specific devices like different operating systems or mobile phones.

Language Targeting New

Language Targeting works in the same way as the previous options however it will redirect users based on their browser language.

Note At the moment there is a certain priority for these features. Language  Device  Geo. For example if you define both a Geo Targeting for New York to and a Language Targeting for English to then the language targeting will be prioritized so users from New York with English set as their browser language will be redirected to

Meta Tags

You can customize the meta tags for any long url. If you are using the Direct method, the custom meta tag change will be triggered if and only if you upload a custom meta image. For other redirection types, it will updated right away.


You can assign custom Pixels for each short link. These pixels will be triggered upon redirection. Due to the nature of these pixels, a custom intermediary page is required so users will be waiting for 2 seconds before getting redirected to the target website.

Parameters & UTM Builder

You can define custom parameters and UTM for each short link. These custom parameters will be added automatically to the long link. For example if you shorten and you set utm_source = email when a user clicks on the short link, the final url will become

Dynamic Parameters/Parameter Forwarder

The script includes a dynamic parameter feature where it will automatically forward parameters to the final url. For example if you shorten and you get, you can assign parameters like and the it will be forwarded to as

Redirection Types

Ember Link offers 5 types of the redirection that you can use. Each of them are explained below.

Direct Redirection

A direct redirection method redirects the user without any intermediate page. This is done via the server redirect. When sharing the link having a direct method, crawlers will fetch directly the target page. When using a pixel with direct method, a page is shown briefly before redirection and it is required for the pixel to work.

Frame Redirection

The frame redirection method is useful when you want to cloak a website like an affiliate page. It will show bar at the top with the site information, an ad slot and some buttons to share or close the frame.

Note that some websites do not work with this method because of a security rule that forces browsers to hinder iframes.

Splash Redirection

The splash page is an intermediate page very useful to give the user a preview of the page they are about to be redirected. It serves as a measure of protection and gives the user some time to react and decide whether they want to continue or not.

Custom Splash Redirection

The custom splash redirect is a premium feature that allows customers to create their own promotional page and associate it to a short link. A user going through the custom splash page will see a promotional page briefly before being redirected.

Overlay Redirection

The overlay feature is a cool feature that allows you to use dynamic lead widgets. It uses the same principal as the frame method but without the top bar. Instead it injects some cool widgets like a popup message, contact form and a poll.

Bio Pages

Ember Link allows you to generate Bio Pages where you can add your links and other widgets. You might be familiar with this feature if you have used Linktree or other platforms previously. You can enable Bio Pages in plans and choose how many users can generate.

Default Bio Page

You can set a Bio Page as default and access it via your username i.e. https://site/user/username. Just go to Bio Pages > Select the Bio Page and Choose Set as Default.

QR Codes

Ember Link allows you to generate advanced QR codes with different shapes and colors. You can enable QR Codes in plans and choose how many users can generate.


Channels are great for organizing your links, qr codes and bio pages. You can quickly access them when needed directly from the sidebar when you star the channel.

To create a channel and add a link

  1. Create your channel in My Channels
  2. Check links you want to add to the channel, then click on the box/package icon.
  3. For QR codes and Bio Pages, you can add them by clicking the 
  4. You will see the channels in a dropdown menu.
  5. If you don't see any channels, you will need to create one first.

Campaigns & Link Rotator

The campaign feature allows you to regroup some links and will generate you a special link where you will be able to send that to people. That special link will allow them to see all links in the campaign and use them. Campaigns also aggregates statistics for all links in that campaign.

To add a link to a campaign:

  1. Check links you want to add to campaign, then click on the  icon.
  2. You will see the campaigns in a dropdown menu.
  3. If you don't see any campaigns, you will need to create one first.

Campaign List

To access and share a campaign list, you need the following settings for the list page to be generated. This is because the list page will use the same appearance as the default profile.

 A Bio Page set as Default: Bio Pages    Set as Default The account status set to public in User Dashboard  Settings

Links Rotator

This new feature allows a campaign to act as a rotator. The special link will rotate links randomly and will send the user to short link within the campaign.


The pixels tracking are used by ad platforms such as Facebook and Google Ads to allow you to gather data on your customers and how they behave on your website. By adding your pixel ID from either of the platforms, you will be able to optimize marketing simply by using short URLs.

To add a pixel:

  1. Under the Pixel page, add your desired pixel including a name and the pixel ID
  2. When shortening or editing a link, click on advanced option, browse to the end of the block and you will see an option to select the pixel

Team Feature

The new team feature allows you to invite members to your group and operate the same account as a team. This is perfect for collaboration! To use this feature, the team leader must invite users and users will need to accept the invitation via email and create an account. Once the account has been created, members can access the same environment as a team member.

Since version 6.8, team members can have their own account as well as be part of the one or more teams. The environment can be changed by clicking the  icon at the top right next to the notification icon.

To add a user to a team:

  1. Under Team, enter the member's email
  2. Choose permissions
  3. Send Invite
  4. User will receive an invitation. If they don't have an account, they can create now but if they already have an account, they need to login and access the invitation

Logging In / Changing Password

Login from

Select User Menu


Change Password


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