
Your Dashboard contains an overview of your website analytics, views, visitors, and more, In REALTIME. from here you can select any of your domains, or sub domains for tracking, In order for this to work, we embed a tracking script into your website, But don't worry! Your Data is always safe with Ember Syndicate. 



View Your reports by selecting the Domain on the left Menu, this will bring up your analytics reports.


Viewing The Report

When you are viewing the report you can select from the multiple tabs at the top, A general Overview, traffic behavior, acquisitions, geographic data, tech used to view the site and more! I strongly suggest looking around so that you can see your web traffic behavior, And don't worry! all of this can be monitored by your account manager.


Logging In

Login at: https://analytics.embersyndicate.com/login

Using the Email, and password username that you were provided in your welcome email sent by your account manager.


Changing Password


At the bottom left select your profile name / picture, and select it. A menu will open allowing you to select Security from the account menu.

Once you have selected, you can change your password from this screen


Forgot Password?